Like a Meteorite from Henri Purnell 💚💫

Here’s to an unexpected riff to “to my astronomy of hope” blog post on the 8th of November, 2023. ✨💫☄️

I had no idea this song would be released. I was living in an Olympian coven of heavenly dreams, oh, so well.

P.S. I stan multi-talented artists like Purnell. He can write songs, he can knit and crochet [it’s the way I discovered him on Youtube shorts from his crochet projects], and he can be good-looking while undergoing a chronic illness. 🥹 Let’s support him! 💚

Here’s the link to this newly released single entitled “Meteorite”.


To my bittersweet lemonade —

Life may, at times, throw us bitter lemons we think we couldn’t make less of anything. But they’re, still, lemons. 🍋

Thanks for sprinkling sugar to life’s concentrate. 🍸

Times are telling us to let things be, as they should be; hence, the halt.

Padayon, BL. 💛